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Jen Rhodes

Quit Waiting for Perfect

The need to be “right” is keeping you STUCK.

🙏Ask me about my decision a week before my “before” picture. Actually don’t. Just know I understand stress. And pain.

One of the concepts that The Phenix Method stands for is “imperfect action.” JUST START.

Most clients that come to me are stuck by one of two factors:

They’ve heard contradicting information and aren’t sure which strategy is “right.”

They’re waiting till (after summer, next Monday, once the kids are back settled, after this next vacation, once fall sports start, once fall sports calm down, after Labor Day, after homecoming) so they can be “all in.”

“Once my kid gets out of this hospital bed, I’ll get back into it.”

Funny thing is, once I dialed back into my program and the true WHY I do what I do- everything began to resolve itself. EVERYTHING.

At the heart of both of these sentiments is the thought that in order to get results, they have to be “perfect.”

They have to pick the “right” plan, otherwise they won’t see results.

👉this is like waiting to go to church or picking up the Bible until you’re a perfect Christian.

Yeah. It boggles my mind too.🤨

Or the timing has to be right…and since they can’t be “perfect” because of their upcoming vacation, social event, or other excuse, they’ll wait until the “schedule clears up a bit.”

And so, ironically, the desire to make sure everything is “perfect” keeps them from EVER seeing a result.

That is, until they decide that forward progress, no matter how imperfect, ALWAYS beats “thinking about it” “doing a little more research” and “waiting till the time is right.”

At the end of the day, no plan is perfect…that’s why we don’t do cookie cutter plans- we show you how to create your own. AND manage it within your world. NO MATTER HOW CHAOTIC.

And schedules? Anyone with any sort of responsibility in life knows full well that there is no “perfect time.” So why delude yourself into thinking that there is somehow a better time than now to take action?

If you’re sick of waiting for the perfect time….

If you’re ready to feel some momentum and excitement NOW at

Send me a message. I’ve got availability for calls this afternoon to see if you’re a good fit for the program, and if so…we can get you onboarded this week or next. After that, I’m closing up shop to spend fall with my family. Because, they come first. NO MATTER WHAT.

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